First seive whole wheat flour, corn starch, baking soda, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl or pan.
Keep the sieved dry mixture aside.
For the orange zest, with a zester or grater, grate the zest from one medium orange and set aside.
Line a muffin tray or pan with muffin liners. Also preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius/356 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 to 12 minutes.
In another bowl, take sugar and oil. Simply mix and set aside.
Prepare the orange juice in an electric juicer or a blender. If using a blender, then remove the seeds from the orange segments and then blend. Then strain the orange juice through a fine seive. From 3 oranges, I got 1 cup orange juice.
Add 1 cup orange juice to the sugar + oil mixture.
Stir briskly and very well till the sugar dissolves and the mixture looks even.
Add this orange juice mixture to the sieved dry flour mixture. Also add the orange zest.
With a wired whisk, stir the mixture to a smooth batter with light pressure from hands. Don't over mix.