Preheat oven to 350°. Line a small baking sheet with silpat or thick, high-quality parchment.
In a large bowl, whisk egg whites until just foamy. Whisk in granulated sugar, butter, and vanilla. Whisk in flour, cornstarch, and cardamom, if using, until flour is dissolved and batter has an even consistency, about 30 seconds. (Do not overwhisk or batter will start to develop gluten, which will prevent a crispy texture.) Let sit 20 minutes at room temperature.
Meanwhile, write or print fortune messages you wish to place inside each cookie.
Whisk 2 tablespoons water into batter and check the consistency. It should be loose and spreadable like crêpe batter. If it’s sticky and difficult to spread, add 1 to 2 tablespoons water.
Dollop 1 tablespoon batter on one-half of baking sheet. Using the back of a spoon, evenly spread batter to create a thin 4" circle. Repeat on the other side (only bake 2 cookies at a time because you’ll want to assemble and shape quickly while they're warm). Firmly tap sheet against a countertop or table a few times to ensure batter is evenly distributed.
Bake cookies until golden brown around the edges, 10 to 13 minutes. Keep a close eye on them, as they can easily overbake.
Working quickly, using an offset spatula or a butter knife, gently release edges of 1 cookie and place a fortune in the middle. Fold in half to make a half-moon shape, then gently press edges together with tip of offset spatula. Fold cookie over rim of a mug, edge side up, to create a fortune cookie shape. Place in a muffin tin and let cool. Repeat with remaining batter.