Take cashews in a mortar-pestle. You can add any nuts of your choice like almonds, walnuts, pecans or roasted peanuts.
With the pestle, crush the cashews to a coarse mixture and keep aside. You can even chop the nuts.
In a pan, add butter. Keep the heat to a low.
When the butter begins to melt, add sugar. Mix the sugar with the butter.
On low heat, cook the butter-sugar mixture. Stir at intervals and not non-stop.
The mixture will begin to change color. Continue to stir at intervals when the sugar starts changing color.
A point will come when the color will become brown and all the sugar will melt.
Put a few drops of the mixture in a bowl of water. It will harden and solidify. When you snap it, it will break easily. This is the hard ball consistency of the sugar.
Switch off the heat when you see all the sugar has melted and caramelized into a brown colored molten liquid.
Then, add the crushed cashews immediately and mix quickly.
Pour this praline mixture on a plate lined with parchment paper or butter paper. You can also use a plate greased with butter or oil (neutral tasting).
Let the praline harden and cool. Then, break it into small pieces.
Place the praline pieces in a mortar. With the pestle, crush to a coarse mixture and keep aside. Do not make a fine powder.